Tuesday, December 27, 2005
The Song Booth at Grandma Party Bazaar (part 1 of 10)
So our friends from Grandma Party (another local record label/art/music collective) had this big bazaar at Stardust Video & Coffee in Orlando. People came out to play in a live music showcase and sell all kinds of nice handmade/diy stuff like cds, accessories, jewelry, clothing, soaps, incense, and much more.

Post*Records and Common Energy Collective had a little thing called "Songs While You Wait". People would fill out a questionnaire and then we would write them a song, record it, burn it to a cd, and design a cover. It took us all day, but we ended up finishing 10 songs for 10 different people and they only cost them $2 each! We had so much fun making the music and wanted to share it. So, here's the tracks. There are 10 different postings, one for each track. And they should also be available on our Podcast.



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